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At this level, kids will discover the beauty of the modern chess world. Helps you gain confidence to visualise moves in your mind and avoid making mistakes leading to winning the game.

Progress Tracker
Structured Curriculum
Test and Analysis Sessions

Course Details

  • Age group:

    5 - 15 years

  • Batch size:


  • Total Hours:

    48 Hrs

  • Duration

    1 hr/ session

curriculam Details

  • Smothered mate
  • Boden's mate
  • Trapped piece
  • Mating net
  • Interference
  • Mate in 3
  • Queen against pawn
  • Combinations involving promotion
  • Many More


 Acquire the skills of Positional play and long term strategic plan-making. Kids will further find new and tougher types of puzzles.

Progress Tracker
Structured Curriculum
Test and Analysis Sessions

Course Details

  • Age group:

    5 - 15 years

  • Batch size:


  • Total Hours:

    48 Hrs

  • Duration

    1 hr/ session

curriculam Details

  • Good vs Bad Bishop
  • Improving the Pieces
  • Pawn Weaknesses
  • The 7th Rank
  • Outposts
  • Combination involving diagonals
  • Zugzwang
  • Weak Points and Squares
  • Many More