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Welcome to the world of chess! This level is for beginners who are absolutely new to chess. Your kid’s chess journey begins!

Progress Tracker.
Structured Curriculum
Test and Analysis Sessions.

Course Details

  • Age group:

    5 - 15 years

  • Batch size:


  • Total Hours:

    24 Hrs

  • Duration

    1 hr/ session

curriculam Details

  • Introduction to the game
  • Movement of pieces
  • Special moves in chess
  • opening Principals
  • Attack and Defense
  • Good - Equal - Bad
  • Hanging pieces.
  • Checkmate in 1
  • Many More


 This course Improves your ability to find winning tactical combinations in your own games. Helps you foresee and prevent your opponent’s tactical ideas.

Progress Tracker.
Structured Curriculum
Test and Analysis Sessions.

Course Details

  • Age group:

    5 - 15 years

  • Batch size:


  • Total Hours:

    24 Hrs

  • Duration

    1 hr/ session

curriculam Details

  • Skewer
  • Pin
  • Knight Fork
  • Destroying the defender
  • Discovered attack and Discovered check.
  • Checkmate in 2
  • Basic King vs Pawn Endings
  • Technical checkmates - 1 & 2
  • Many More


This last level of the beginners is For students who want to move beyond the basics. This level also introduces children to unlimited possibilities of tactics.

Progress Tracker.
Structured Curriculum
Test and Analysis Sessions.

Course Details

  • Age group:

    5 - 15 years

  • Batch size:


  • Total Hours:

    24 Hrs

  • Duration

    1 hr/ session

curriculam Details

  • Opposition and Key square
  • Technical Checkmates - 3
  • Deflection
  • Attacking the Castle king
  • X-ray Attack
  • Exchange sacrifice
  • Calculations training
  • Openings traps
  • Many More